zaterdag 10 januari 2009

Crew Sirius Star is safe

This story is continues where a couple of entries down one stopped. It has been two months since the Sirius Star, an oil tanker carrying 2 million barrels of oil, was hijacked. 3 million dollars was paid to let the ship with its crew go. Apparently a plane dropped the money by parachute on the boat.

The 25-strong crew, including 2 Britons, is in good physical and mental condition, to the owners' relief. They will be on their way home soon to reunite with their families. The current location of the tanker is unknown. Five pirates have reportedly drowned due to hitting high-seas while making a run for it with their part of the ransom.

A happy ending for the crew, their owners and international sea travel. I still do not agree the payment of ransom to these criminals, for it only encourages them to hijack more boats. I am glad the crew got home safe though and can imagine the owner paying the ransom with the lives and goods at stake.

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